
30-31 January 2024 // General Assembly

We hosted the general assembly for the COOPERATE project yesterday and today at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. In this project, we focus on ecosystem development with Brainport DevelopmentDTU – Technical University of DenmarkScience City Lyngby, Czech Technical University in Prague, IDEA Consult, and STAM S.r.l.. Rector Magnificus of TU/e, Silvia Lenaerts, gave an opening speech emphasizing the role of open innovation, and Maarten Steinbuch inspired with the Eindhoven Engine story and promoting the next-generation university.

With Marcel BogersNtorina AntoniIza HeltzelJannes NuhnDelia Mitcan – NeaguSara DømlerMichael PerssonHamad Sheraz RovsingSofia GatteriStefania MarongiuWim De KinderenTim DanielsNazareno BraitoEls Van de VeldeOndřej Durkáč, and Veronika Kramaříková.

16 November 2023 // Eurotech Innovation Day

✨ Recap of the Eurotech Innovation Day in Lyngby! 🚀
🗓️ November 16th, 2023

👥 Facilitators: DTU and TU/e with the support of Science City Lyngby
Contributors: EuroTech Universities Alliance and EuroTeQ Engineering University partners coming from the DTU – Technical University of Denmark (DTU), TalTech – Tallinn University of TechnologyEindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)Technical University of Munich (TUM), École Polytechnique (L’X), and Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU).

🔍 Two Dynamic Co-Creation Workshops:
🔹 “Testing the #COOPERATE Playbook and 7 Lines of Action”
💡 Experts delved into testing the COOPERATE playbook and highlighted the significance of the following seven lines of action as key components for regional innovation: Research, Talent, Knowledge Transfer, Funding, Collaboration, Innovation, Governance.

🔹 “ERA Hubs as Place-Based Ecosystems”
💡 Participants engaged in vibrant discussions, sharing diverse perspectives from industry and academia. They focused on identifying actionable strategies for fostering effective regional ecosystems.
A big thank you to all Eurotech/q participants for contributing to the success of these insightful workshops at the Eurotech Innovation Day at DTU! 🙌


9-10 November 2023 // Two exciting #COOPERATE events

🌐✨ Recap of two exciting #COOPERATE events that took place at the World Open Innovation Conference (#WOIC) in Bilbao, Spain! 🚀
🗓️ November 9-10, 2023
Open Innovation and Policy: The Cases of Brainport Eindhoven and the #Basque Country (Biscay Region)

🎤 Speakers:
Iñaki Alonso, Treasure Director, Biscay Government
Wim De Kinderen, Programme Director European Affairs, Brainport Development

💡 Main Outcome: The session unveiled the success stories of Brainport and the #Biscay region. Both regions have not only embraced but emerged as global leaders, demonstrating how effective open innovation policies can catalyze technological advancement and economic growth. 🌐💼

🤝 Co-Creation Workshop: “Governance of Place-Based Innovation #Ecosystems#ERA Hubs”
👥 Moderators: Ntorina Antoni and Marcel Bogers
🌐 Experts: Henry Chesbrough and Wim De Kinderen
💡 Main Outcome: The co-creation workshop, exploring “Governance of Place-Based Innovation Ecosystems,” brought together diverse perspectives from industry and academia. Discussions centered around the building blocks for a well-functioning regional ecosystem, such as ERA Hubs, featuring insights and successful examples from Europe, India, and Africa. 🌍🌱

A heartfelt thanks to all participants for contributing to the success of these events at #woic2023 ! 🙌 #WOICBilbao#COOPERATEBilbao#Regionalecosystems#OpenInnovation#ERAHubs#placebasedinnovationWorld Open Innovation CommunityEuropean Commission

2 November 2023 // Future Magazine

📚 Thanks to Science City Lyngby the #COOPERATE project was covered in a local magazine in the Future Magazine in #Lyngby.

“With the launch of the COOPERATE project we aim to help all EU countries to perform better and be on par with the best. Innovation has been key to Denmark and the Netherland’s growth and prosperity for decades, and we hope to inspire others on how to be more innovative. The city of Prague has been chosen as a pilot project and together with our partners we are assessing how to provide the best assistance to help foster further innovation in Prague”, says Marianna Lubanski, CEO at Science City Lyngby.

This Danish magazine has a reach of 60,000 people once a year. The article is in Danish but also avaible in English via:

Ntorina AntoniMarianna LubanskiHamad Sheraz RovsingTechnische Universiteit EindhovenDTU – Technical University of Denmark


29 September 2023 // UNlimited Festival

On September 29th, 2023, a Co-creation session was held at the Universiteiten van Nederland UNlimited Festival in Den Bosch, Netherlands, focusing on the critical theme: “Open Innovation Ecosystems: The role of ERA Hubs for collaborative regional innovation.” Represented by Marcel Bogers and Ntorina Antoni (Eindhoven University of Technology) and Rick Eurlings (Brainport Development), the COOPERATE consortium took part in this enlightening discussion.
🚀 Session Topic: “This workshop centered on achieving the objective of fostering collaborative innovation through the establishment of ecosystems. The core focus was to validate the fundamental components of an #ERA Hub Framework, a policy initiative fostering knowledge production within the European Research Area across regions. Drawing from the insights and experiences of our engaged participants, we aimed to refine this framework. By fostering collaboration, we sought to understand how regional #ecosystems can facilitate open innovation and enrich our comprehension of robust research and innovation environments at the regional level.”

6 May 2023 // Second General Assembly

After having had the kick-off in Brainport Eindhoven earlier this year, it was great having everyone in the same room again. We’re looking back at a very interesting and fruitful (and sunny 🌞) second General Assembly of COOPERATE at DTU Skylab and Science City Lyngby. We discussed the process towards an initial ERA hub framework, the playbook, toolbox, and platform, and the challenges, strategies & expected outcomes for the project.

16 March 2023 // COOPERATE in Danish newspaper!

In the Sjællandske Medier Nyheder an interview was published with Marianna Lubanski, director of Science City Lyngby. The article elaborates on the project, which is selected as leading example if you want to build local partnerships between municipalities, educational institutions and companies. According to Marianna, “In Denmark and the Netherlands, we are well advanced in our efforts to initiate local partnerships, while in many other places in Europe, such transversal partnerships have not yet been established”.

Read the article here:

23 January 2023 // Kick-off in Eindhoven

This meeting kicked off the activities of the project “COOrdinating and Piloting actions towards ERA-hubs as in Ter- and intra- regional Ecosystems for knowledge production (COOPERATE)”, launched in January 2023 and funded by the European Commission.

The project, led by the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), aims to develop and pilot the ERA Hub concept based on the vision and success stories developed within the EuroTech Universities Alliance and their R&I ecosystems. The overall approach revolves around co-creation arenas in which ecosystems and a broader community of quadruple helix actors can interact. The piloting phases of the project’s implementation are expected to test the approach and pave the way for its consolidation and replication phase.

This two-day event was co-organized by the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and Brainport Development, who were joined by STAM SRL, IDEA Consult, Technical University of Denmark, Science City Lyngby, and Czech Technical University in Prague. All seven COOPERATE partners had the opportunity to share the aims and objectives of the COOPERATE project towards the development and testing of ERA hubs in Europe. Needs, expectations and next steps were discussed both days at TU/e campus and High Tech Campus Eindhoven.