COOPERATE overall objective is to develop and pilot the ERA Hub concept based on the vision and success stories developed within the EuroTech Universities Alliance and their R&I ecosystems. The following partners are working together:
Eindhoven University of Technology
The Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is a leading University in Europe, member of the Eurotech Alliance with wide experience in coordinating EU collaborative research projects that are aimed to bring stakeholders together, build communities and boost open innovation. The Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship and Marketing (ITEM) Group has specific open innovation expertise and experience on R&I ecosystems, their drivers, operational and governance structures, bringing together STEM disciplines ad SSH expertise to fully value the quadruple helix model. The research team involved has expertise in quantitative and qualitative research methods focussing on regional economics, clustering, business models for innovation, ecosystem research and policy analysis. The ITEM Group works closely together with TU/e’s Board support group for Strategic Industry and Government Affairs in order to ensure its optimal connection with required networks at local, national and European level. TU/e is leading the management and coordination of the project and the co-creation activities to define the ERA Hub Framework, backed by an extensive experience in bringing stakeholders together to detect and co-develop ecosystems development trajectories towards grand challenges; bring their expertise on the RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) framework for KPI definition. TU/e has a wide European and international network of multiple stakeholders: RTOs, Academia, Businesses, Public bodies, Clusters and associations, etc. It is partner and active member of several partnerships and networks beyond Eurotech.
Technical University of Denmark
Technical University of Denmark is at the academic and multidisciplinary forefront of the technical and the natural sciences with new initiatives in a number of demanding engineering disciplines, including sustainable energy and life science. 11.200 students are educating themselves for the future, and 6,000 employees focus each day on education, research, consulting and innovation, which contribute in creating value, welfare, and growth. DTU has one of the most well-developed ecosystems for innovation and entrepreneurship among technical universities in Europe. DTU is indeed an entrepreneurial university. Researchers, students and new DTU graduates start about 200 new companies per year which are supported through a large supply of facilities and services, including courses in entrepreneurship, events and matchmaking, advisory services, incubation facilities, co-working spaces and access to risk capital. LYNGBY is the place-based ecosystem which helps bring new ideas and inventions from the classrooms and research laboratories at DTU into the real world, where they can create new jobs and help solve tasks and challenges in society. The players in the ecosystem are continuously working together to boost each other’s initiatives with new skills. At the annual DTU Start-up Fair, all stakeholders come together in a matchmaking event that showcases some of DTU’s most exciting startup and innovation business cases. DTU can combine multidisciplinary knowledge and create business intelligence and value added for its stakeholders. DTU is top participant in EU Framework Programmes. DTU is leading the activities to support the definition of the guidelines to become ERA Hub (Playbook) and the associated Toolbox due to DTU experience in the management of complex research and innovation initiatives based on the quadruple helix model as well as systems modelling and ecosystem management expertise. DTU is able to leverage its profound understanding of S&T contexts and domains to the societal analysis. DTU is an active member of the Eurotech Alliance and several research networks in Europe. Examples include: UEA; EERA; KICs within EIT, DIHs.
Czech Technical University in Prague
Czech Technical University in Prague is the leading University in Czech Republic. In its strategic plan a strong emphasis is placed on building a strong local ecosystem to make industrial enterprises already operating in the Czech Republic competitive in global markets with benefits for the economy and standard of living, and to make the Czech Republic a sought-after attractive country for research, development and production of new high-tech products and processes with high added value as well as nurturing and attract talents fostering inter-sectoral mobility. CTU has established a strong partnership with the members of the Eurotech Alliance. They jointly participate in the EuroTeQ project, with the goal to implement the vision of the European University Initiative and the European Education Area in an ecosystem of leading technical universities with the financial support of Erasmus+. CTU is participating and supporting the co-creation activities, facilitating communication and understanding between stakeholders from the local ecosystem, engaging them in piloting and monitoring activities. CVUT can mobilise their 1000 partners from running EU projects plus their clients and partners from local research and innovation network. They collaborate with major R&I initiatives at EU level, including DIH, OITBs, tech platforms, EEN, Horizon Europe NCP networks, to name a few.
Brainport Development
The economic development agency Brainport Development cooperates with many partners on strengthening Brainport Eindhoven. Close collaboration, sharing knowledge and smart entrepreneurship characterise the open innovation culture which makes Brainport Eindhoven the growth accelerator of the Dutch economy. As an independent and demand-driven organization Brainport Development develops the regional economic strategy, develops and realizes projects, offers business advice and innovative business premises and promotes Brainport Eindhoven in the Netherlands and abroad. All activities are part of the Brainport Agenda and governed by Stichting Brainport.
Science City Lyngby
Science City Lyngby close to Copenhagen was founded in 2012 and has the ambition to become one of Europe’s leading knowledge ecosystems with a world-class level of research and education. LYNGBY operates through 4 mission objectives which engage 200+ network organisations along 20 running projects. On average 30 annual networking meetings are organised and 3 large members events. 72 companies are based in the ecosystem along with 2 public authorities, DTU as leading research partner and knowledge engine, 8 educational institutions and 10 other stakeholders from quadruple helix. Indeed, almost half of the companies within the leading industries in LYNGBY are collaborating with DTU in formal research and innovation projects. Almost all DTU research groups collaborate with local businesses on research and innovation projects. LYNGBY aims at becoming a centre for innovation and development of knowledge-intensive businesses and a hub for national and EU talented individuals characterised by a high quality of life, enjoying a living laboratory for sustainable urban and business development. LYNGBY is supporting Brainport in CDE activities mobilising their network at local and European scale as well as fostering a large engagement of researchers, innovators and quadruple helix actors. LYNGBY is also contributing their experience, best practices and lessons learnt across the project activities. LYNGBY is involved in several local and international partnerships and initiatives allowing an outreach of more than 600 organisations from the private and public sector, leveraging on the events portfolio yearly managed.
Idea Consult
Idea Consult provides independent advice to organisations and governments at all levels: local, regional and European. It provides clients with new insights, concepts, strategies and instruments and help them realising more impact. IDEA has a team of 40 employees and provides: • multidisciplinary expertise across areas like innovation & competitiveness; green economy & sustainability; labour market & lifelong learning; Regional competitiveness; territorial development; governance; • experience in monitoring and coordination of networks: ADMA project, mapping of ATI technology centres, the 3DP Pan EU network among others; • evaluation expertise and impact assessment, including indicator development, being applied in particular for RTOs in EU and an aggregation of 9 RTOs for EARTO. IDEA is leading the piloting and monitoring activities, being in charge of developing policy recommendations; contributing to co-creation as well as defining compliance criteria and tools; supporting with the design of the COOPERATE platform with a clear journey to create the network of ERA Hubs; and supporting to the tasks related with dissemination and communication of project results. IDEA is involved in several European partnerships and initiatives across Europe allowing an outreach of more than 500 organisations from the quadruple helix.
STAM places itself among the top 10 independent Open Innovation players at European level, engaging with a network of more than 750 partners and clients. Capitalising on its 25 years of experience, STAM provides high-tech solutions within the “Industry 4.0 & Robotics”, “Space & Defence”, “Security & Transport” and “Energy & Bio-circular economy” sectors. In addition, since 2010 STAM has broaden its expertise on sensors and measuring techniques as well as, IoT, High Performance Computing and Cloud to support costumers and partners towards Industry 4.0 paradigm.
Recognised as a strategic Italian SME participant in H2020 initiatives, STAM is now animating 7 ecosystems at national level – be they the Community of the University of Padova, two Regional Competence Centres (Liguria and Veneto Regions), the Italian Cluster on Bio-based Economy, the Regional Cluster on Sustainable Construction in Campania Region, two Ecosystems in Calabria and Campania Region to be funded under the NextGenerationEU programme. Similarly, it is also involved in the technology development of the strategy and tools for three regional initiatives aiming to become European Digital Innovation Hubs
Overall, benefitting from relevant R&I ecosystems at national and European scale; as well as exchanges with EDIHs and OITBs, STAM is actively involved in several EU activities, while supporting trans-regional cooperation.
To know more, please visit: STAM – Mastering Excellence (