
Enabling ecosystems to self-assess their level of maturity

STAM’s self-assessment prototype

“Regions and cities will play a key role in strengthening the European Research Area, contributing to recovery and increasing Europe’s resilience” – said Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth at the Committee of the Regions’ meeting back in February 2021.

Echoing this statement, COOPERATE project also works toward the development of knowledge and knowledge strategies within Europe engaging with stakeholders and key players of the quadruple helix. Thus, willing to foster place-based innovation ecosystems, COOPERATE project bridges advanced ecosystems with emerging ones, while co-defining the concept of ERA Hub through co-creation sessions with Eurotech Alliance Members end experts.

One preliminary output of the COOPERATE project is the self-assessment tool. Developed by STAM, the self-assessment prototype is based on STAM’s Open Innovation digital tool, and it allows ecosystem to measure their level of maturity, both in terms of the ecosystem, as well as the maturity of each of the seven lines of actions identified within the COOPERATE project. Each ecosystem is tested on the following lines on actions:

1) Research
2) Talents
3) Knowledge transfer
4) Funding
5) Collaboration
6) Governance
7) Innovation

The matrix behind the prototype turns into mathematic calculation the rationale of the ERA Hub concept so far developed, thus including the Ecosystem Readiness Level (ERL) scale, and the tools within the Toolbox, as per the first release.

You can take a look at the prototype here:

***Please note that the pdf of the self-assessment represents a prototype. The final release of the self-assessment is meant to be delivered at the beginning of 2025***